Source code for surfaxe.generation

# pymatgen
from pymatgen.core.surface import SlabGenerator, get_symmetrically_distinct_miller_indices
from pymatgen.core import Structure
from pymatgen.symmetry.analyzer import SpacegroupAnalyzer

# misc
import warnings
import itertools
import functools
import multiprocessing
import math
import numpy as np 
import json
from copy import deepcopy

# surfaxe
from import slabs_to_file, _custom_formatwarning, _instantiate_structure

[docs]def generate_slabs(structure, hkl, thicknesses, vacuums, save_slabs=True, save_metadata=True, json_fname=None, make_fols=False, make_input_files=False, max_size=500, center_slab=True, ox_states=None, is_symmetric=True, layers_to_relax = None, fmt='poscar', name='POSCAR', config_dict=None, user_incar_settings=None, user_kpoints_settings=None, user_potcar_settings=None, parallelise=True, **kwargs): """ Generates all unique slabs for a specified Miller indices or up to a maximum Miller index with minimum slab and vacuum thicknesses. It includes all combinations for multiple zero dipole symmetric terminations for the same Miller index. The function returns None by default and generates either: (i) POSCAR_hkl_slab_vac_index.vasp (default) (ii) hkl/slab_vac_index folders with structure files (iii) hkl/slab_vac_index with all VASP input files Or if `save_slabs=False` a list of dicts of all unique slabs is returned. Args: structure (`str` or pmg Structure obj): Filename of structure file in any format supported by pymatgen or pymatgen structure object. hkl (`tuple`, `list` or `int`): Miller index as tuple, a list of Miller indices or a maximum index up to which the search should be performed. E.g. if searching for slabs up to (2,2,2) ``hkl=2`` thicknesses (`list`): The minimum size of the slab in Angstroms. vacuums (`list`): The minimum size of the vacuum in Angstroms. save_slabs (`bool`, optional): Whether to save the slabs to file. Defaults to ``True``. save_metadata (`bool`, optional): Whether to save the slabs' metadata to file. Saves the entire slab object to a json file Defaults to ``True``. json_fname (`str`, optional): Filename of json metadata file. Defaults to bulk_formula_metadata.json make_fols (`bool`, optional): Makes folders for each termination and slab/vacuum thickness combinations containing structure files. * ``True``: A Miller index folder is created, in which folders named slab_vac_index are created to which the relevant structure files are saved. E.g. for a (0,0,1) slab of index 1 with a slab thickness of 20 Å and vacuum thickness of 30 Å the folder structure would be: ``001/20_30_1/POSCAR`` * ``False``: The indexed structure files are put in a folder named after the bulk formula. E.g. for a (0,0,1) MgO slab of index 1 with a slab thickness of 20 Å and vacuum thickness of 30 Å the folder structure would be: ``MgO/POSCAR_001_20_30_1`` Defaults to ``False``. make_input_files (`bool`, optional): Makes INCAR, POTCAR and KPOINTS files in each folder. If ``make_input_files`` is ``True`` but ``make_files`` or ``save_slabs`` is ``False``, files will be saved to folders regardless. This only works with VASP input files, other formats are not yet supported. Defaults to ``False``. max_size (`int`, optional): The maximum number of atoms in the slab specified to raise warning about slab size. Even if the warning is raised, it still outputs the slabs regardless. Defaults to ``500``. center_slab (`bool`, optional): The position of the slab in the simulation cell. * ``True``: the slab is centered with equal amounts of vacuum above and below. * ``False``: the slab is at the bottom of the simulation cell with all of the vacuum on top of it. Defaults to True. ox_states (``None``, `list` or `dict`, optional): Add oxidation states to the bulk structure. Different types of oxidation states specified will result in different pymatgen functions used. The options are: * if supplied as ``list``: The oxidation states are added by site e.g. ``[3, 2, 2, 1, -2, -2, -2, -2]`` * if supplied as ``dict``: The oxidation states are added by element e.g. ``{'Fe': 3, 'O':-2}`` * if ``None``: The oxidation states are added by guess. Defaults to ``None``. is_symmetric (`bool`, optional): Whether the slabs cleaved should have inversion symmetry. If bulk is non-centrosymmetric, ``is_symmetric`` needs to be ``False`` - the function will return no slabs as it looks for inversion symmetry. Take care checking the slabs for mirror plane symmetry before just using them. Defaults to ``True``. layers_to_relax (`int`, optional): Specifies the number of layers at the top and bottom of the slab that should be relaxed, keeps the centre constrained using selective dynamics. NB only works for VASP files fmt (`str`, optional): The format of the output structure files. Options include 'cif', 'poscar', 'cssr', 'json', not case sensitive. Defaults to 'poscar'. name (`str`, optional): The name of the surface slab structure file created. Case sensitive. Defaults to 'POSCAR' config_dict (`dict` or `str`, optional): Specifies the dictionary used for the generation of the input files. Suppports already loaded dictionaires, yaml and json files. Surfaxe-supplied dictionaries are PBE (``pe``), PBEsol (``ps``) and HSE06 (``hse06``) for single shot calculations and PBE (``pe_relax``) and PBEsol (``ps_relax``) for relaxations. Not case sensitive. Defaults to PBEsol (``ps``). user_incar_settings (`dict`, optional): Overrides the default INCAR parameter settings. Defaults to ``None``. user_kpoints_settings (`dict` or Kpoints object, optional): Overrides the default kpoints settings. If it is supplied as `dict`, it should be as ``{'reciprocal_density': 100}``. Defaults to ``None``. user_potcar_settings (`dict`, optional): Overrides the default POTCAR settings. Defaults to ``None``. parallelise (`bool`, optional): Use multiprocessing to generate slabs. Defaults to ``True``. Returns: None (default) or unique_slabs (list of dicts) """ # Set up additional arguments for multiprocessing and saving slabs mp_kwargs = {'in_unit_planes': False, 'primitive': True, 'max_normal_search': None, 'reorient_lattice': True, 'lll_reduce': True, 'ftol': 0.1, 'tol': 0.1, 'max_broken_bonds': 0, 'symmetrize': False, 'repair': False, 'bonds': None} mp_kwargs.update( (k, kwargs[k]) for k in mp_kwargs.keys() & kwargs.keys() ) save_slabs_kwargs = {'user_incar_settings': None, 'user_kpoints_settings': None, 'user_potcar_settings': None, 'constrain_total_magmom': False, 'sort_structure': True, 'potcar_functional': None, 'user_potcar_functional': None, 'force_gamma': False, 'reduce_structure': None, 'vdw': None, 'use_structure_charge': False, 'standardize': False, 'sym_prec': 0.1, 'international_monoclinic': True} save_slabs_kwargs.update( (k, kwargs[k]) for k in save_slabs_kwargs.keys() & kwargs.keys() ) save_slabs_kwargs.update({'user_incar_settings': user_incar_settings, 'user_kpoints_settings': user_kpoints_settings, 'user_potcar_settings': user_potcar_settings}) # Import bulk relaxed structure, add oxidation states for slab dipole # calculations struc = _instantiate_structure(structure) # Check structure is conventional standard and warn if not sga = SpacegroupAnalyzer(struc) cs = sga.get_conventional_standard_structure() if cs.lattice != struc.lattice: warnings.formatwarning = _custom_formatwarning warnings.warn('Lattice of the structure provided does not match the ' 'conventional standard structure. Miller indices are lattice dependent,' ' make sure you are using the correct bulk structure ') # Check if oxidation states were added to the bulk already struc = oxidation_states(struc, ox_states) # Check if hkl provided as tuple or int, find all available hkl if # provided as int; make into a list to iterate over if type(hkl) == tuple: miller = [hkl] elif type(hkl) == int: miller = get_symmetrically_distinct_miller_indices(struc, hkl) elif type(hkl) == list and all(isinstance(x, tuple) for x in hkl): miller = hkl else: raise TypeError('Miller index should be supplied as tuple, int or list ' 'of tuples') # create all combinations of hkl, slab and vacuum thicknesses combos = itertools.product(miller, thicknesses, vacuums) # Check if bulk structure is noncentrosymmetric if is_symmetric=True, # change to False if not to make sure slabs are produced, issues warning if is_symmetric: sg = SpacegroupAnalyzer(struc) if not sg.is_laue(): is_symmetric = False warnings.formatwarning = _custom_formatwarning warnings.warn(('Inversion symmetry was not found in the bulk ' 'structure, slabs produced will be non-centrosymmetric')) # Check if multiple cores are available, then iterate through the slab and # vacuum thicknesses and get all non polar symmetric slabs if multiprocessing.cpu_count() > 1 and parallelise==True: with multiprocessing.Pool() as pool: nested_provisional = pool.starmap( functools.partial(_mp_generate_slabs, struc, is_symmetric=is_symmetric, center_slab=center_slab, **mp_kwargs), combos) provisional = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(nested_provisional)) else: # Set up kwargs again SG_kwargs = {k: mp_kwargs[k] for k in ['in_unit_planes', 'primitive' 'max_normal_search', 'reorient_lattice', 'lll_reduce']} gs_kwargs = {k: mp_kwargs[k] for k in ['ftol', 'tol', 'max_broken_bonds', 'symmetrize', 'repair', 'bonds']} provisional = [] for hkl, thickness, vacuum in combos: slabgen = SlabGenerator(struc, hkl, thickness, vacuum, center_slab=center_slab, **SG_kwargs) # Get the number of layers in the slab h = slabgen._proj_height p = round(h/slabgen.parent.lattice.d_hkl(slabgen.miller_index), 8) if slabgen.in_unit_planes: nlayers_slab = int(math.ceil(slabgen.min_slab_size / p)) else: nlayers_slab = int(math.ceil(slabgen.min_slab_size / h)) slabs = slabgen.get_slabs(**gs_kwargs) for i, slab in enumerate(slabs): # Get all the zero-dipole slabs with inversion symmetry if is_symmetric: if slab.is_symmetric() and not slab.is_polar(): provisional.append({ 'hkl': ''.join(map(str, slab.miller_index)), 'slab_thickness': thickness, 'slab_layers': nlayers_slab, 'vac_thickness': vacuum, 'slab_index': i, 'slab': slab}) # Get all the zero-dipole slabs wihtout inversion symmetry else: if not slab.is_polar(): provisional.append({ 'hkl': ''.join(map(str, slab.miller_index)), 'slab_thickness': thickness, 'slab_layers': nlayers_slab, 'vac_thickness': vacuum, 'slab_index': i, 'slab': slab}) # Iterate though provisional slabs to extract the unique slabs unique_list_of_dicts, repeat, large = _filter_slabs(provisional, max_size) if layers_to_relax is not None and fmt.lower() == 'poscar': unique_list_of_dicts, small = _get_selective_dynamics(struc, unique_list_of_dicts, layers_to_relax) if small: warnings.formatwarning = _custom_formatwarning warnings.warn('Some slabs were too thin to fix the centre of the slab.' ' Slabs with no selective dynamics applied are: ' + ', '.join(map(str, small))) # Warnings for too large, too small, repeated and no slabs; if repeat: warnings.formatwarning = _custom_formatwarning warnings.warn('Not all combinations of hkl or slab/vac thicknesses ' 'were generated because of repeat structures. ' 'The repeat slabs are: ' + ', '.join(map(str, repeat))) if large: warnings.formatwarning = _custom_formatwarning warnings.warn('Some generated slabs exceed the max size specified.' ' Slabs that exceed the max size are: ' + ', '.join(map(str, large))) if len(unique_list_of_dicts) == 0: raise ValueError('No zero dipole slabs found for specified Miller index') # Save the metadata or slabs to file or return the list of dicts if save_metadata: bulk_name = struc.composition.reduced_formula if json_fname is None: json_fname = '{}_metadata.json'.format(bulk_name) unique_list_of_dicts_copy = deepcopy(unique_list_of_dicts) for i in unique_list_of_dicts_copy: i['slab'] = i['slab'].as_dict() with open(json_fname, 'w') as f: json.dump(unique_list_of_dicts_copy, f) if save_slabs: slabs_to_file(list_of_slabs=unique_list_of_dicts, structure=struc, make_fols=make_fols, make_input_files=make_input_files, config_dict=config_dict, fmt=fmt, name=name, **save_slabs_kwargs) else: return unique_list_of_dicts
[docs]def oxidation_states(structure, ox_states=None): ''' Adds oxidation states to the structure object if not already present Args: structure (`obj`): Pymatgen structure object ox_states (``None``, `list` or `dict`, optional): Add oxidation states to the structure. Different types of oxidation states specified will result in different pymatgen functions used. The options are: * if supplied as ``list``: The oxidation states are added by site e.g. ``[3, 2, 2, 1, -2, -2, -2, -2]`` * if supplied as ``dict``: The oxidation states are added by element e.g. ``{'Fe': 3, 'O':-2}`` * if ``None``: The oxidation states are added by guess. Returns: Structure decorated with oxidation states ''' try: structure.species[0].oxi_state except AttributeError: if type(ox_states) is dict: structure.add_oxidation_state_by_element(ox_states) elif type(ox_states) is list: structure.add_oxidation_state_by_site(ox_states) else: structure.add_oxidation_state_by_guess(max_sites=-1) return structure
def _filter_slabs(provisional, max_size): """ Filters the repeat slabs from the list of all the zero dipole slabs. Creates lists of large and repeat slabs if any are present for the warnings Args: provisional (`list`): All zero dipole slabs generated with SlabGenerator max_size (`int`): The maximum number of atoms in the slab specified to raise warning about slab size. Returns: list of dictionaries with slabs, list of repeat slabs, list of slabs larger than the max_size """ # Iterate though provisional slabs to extract the unique slabs unique_list, unique_list_of_dicts, repeat, large = ([] for i in range(4)) for slab in provisional: if slab['slab'] not in unique_list: unique_list.append(slab['slab']) unique_list_of_dicts.append(slab) # For large slab size warning atoms = len(slab['slab'].atomic_numbers) if atoms > max_size: large.append('{}_{}_{}_{}'.format(slab['hkl'], slab['slab_thickness'], slab['vac_thickness'], slab['slab_index'])) # For repeat slabs warning else: repeat.append('{}_{}_{}_{}'.format(slab['hkl'], slab['slab_thickness'], slab['vac_thickness'], slab['slab_index'])) return unique_list_of_dicts, repeat, large def _mp_generate_slabs(struc, hkl, thickness, vacuum, is_symmetric=True, center_slab=True, **mp_kwargs): """ Helper function for multiprocessing in ``slabs_get_single_hkl``, made so that the information on slab and vacuum thickness is noted and carried forward during multiprocessing. ``**mp_kwargs`` can take any ``SlabGenerator`` argument. Args: struc (`pymatgen Structure object`): Structure object decorated with oxidation states max_index (`int`): The maximum Miller index to go up to. thickness (`int`): Minimum slab thickness vacuum (`int`): Minimum vacuum thickness is_symmetric (`bool`, optional): Whether the slabs cleaved should have inversion symmetry. If bulk is non-centrosymmetric, ``is_symmetric`` needs to be ``False`` - the function will return no slabs as it looks for inversion symmetry. Take care checking the slabs for mirror plane symmetry before just using them. Defaults to ``True``. center_slab (`bool`, optional): The position of the slab in the simulation cell. * ``True``: the slab is centered with equal amounts of vacuum above and below. * ``False``: the slab is at the bottom of the simulation cell with all of the vacuum on top of it. Defaults to True. Returns List of dicts of slabs and relevant metadata """ SlabGenerator_kwargs = {'in_unit_planes': False, 'primitive': True, 'max_normal_search': None, 'reorient_lattice': True, 'lll_reduce': True} SlabGenerator_kwargs.update( (k, mp_kwargs[k]) for k in SlabGenerator_kwargs.keys() & mp_kwargs.keys() ) get_slabs_kwargs = {'ftol': 0.1, 'tol': 0.1, 'max_broken_bonds': 0, 'symmetrize': False, 'repair': False, 'bonds': None} get_slabs_kwargs.update( (k, mp_kwargs[k]) for k in get_slabs_kwargs.keys() & mp_kwargs.keys() ) slabs = [] slabgen = SlabGenerator(struc, hkl, thickness, vacuum, center_slab=center_slab, **SlabGenerator_kwargs) all_slabs = slabgen.get_slabs(**get_slabs_kwargs) h = slabgen._proj_height p = round(h/slabgen.parent.lattice.d_hkl(slabgen.miller_index), 8) if slabgen.in_unit_planes: nlayers_slab = int(math.ceil(slabgen.min_slab_size / p)) else: nlayers_slab = int(math.ceil(slabgen.min_slab_size / h)) for i, slab in enumerate(all_slabs): if is_symmetric == True: if not slab.is_polar() and slab.is_symmetric(): slabs.append({ 'hkl': ''.join(map(str, slab.miller_index)), 'slab_thickness': thickness, 'slab_layers': nlayers_slab, 'vac_thickness': vacuum, 'slab_index': i, 'slab': slab}) else: if not slab.is_polar(): slabs.append({ 'hkl': ''.join(map(str, slab.miller_index)), 'slab_thickness': thickness, 'slab_layers': nlayers_slab, 'vac_thickness': vacuum, 'slab_index': i, 'slab': slab}) return slabs def _get_selective_dynamics(structure, slabs, layers_to_relax=None): # get formula and number of atoms in each primitive unit formula = structure.get_primitive_structure().formula primitive_els = ''.join([i for i in formula if not i.isdigit()]).split(' ') primitive_els_num = [int(i) for i in formula if i.isdigit()] primitive_atoms = dict(zip(primitive_els, primitive_els_num)) small = [] for slab in slabs: # Use a temporary slab to make sure the structure is ordered in the same # way as the primitive bulk temp_slab = slab['slab'].get_sorted_structure() atoms_per_layer_num = int(len(temp_slab) / slab['slab_layers']) # get the multiplier - we can have multiple primitive units in one layer # so we want to make sure the right number of atoms are allowed to relax prim_in_layer = atoms_per_layer_num/sum(primitive_els_num) # Make sure slab has enough layers to constrain the required layers - # at least one layer should be fixed in the middle, otherwise all layers # are allowed to relax and no selective dynamics is applied if slab['slab_layers'] <= 2*layers_to_relax: small.append('{}_{}_{}_{}'.format(slab['hkl'], slab['slab_thickness'], slab['vac_thickness'], slab['slab_index'])) slab['slab'] = temp_slab else: # get list of lists of atoms in the structure, grouped by the atom grouped_atoms_list = [] for i in primitive_els: atoms = [] for site in temp_slab: if i == site.specie.symbol: atoms.append([i]) grouped_atoms_list.append(atoms) sd = [] for i, lst in zip(primitive_els, grouped_atoms_list): arr = np.zeros((len(lst), 3)) allowed_relax = int(primitive_atoms[i]*prim_in_layer*layers_to_relax) arr[0:allowed_relax,] = [1,1,1] arr[-allowed_relax:len(lst),] = [1,1,1] sd.append(arr.tolist()) sd = [item for sublist in sd for item in sublist] temp_slab.add_site_property('selective_dynamics', sd) slab['slab'] = temp_slab return slabs, small