Source code for surfaxe.analysis

# Pymatgen
from pymatgen.core import Structure
from pymatgen.analysis.local_env import CrystalNN, CutOffDictNN
from import Locpot

# Misc 
import math
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import warnings

# surfaxe
from surfaxe.generation import oxidation_states
from import plot_bond_analysis, plot_electrostatic_potential, _instantiate_structure

[docs]def cart_displacements(start, end, max_disp=0.1, save_txt=True, txt_fname='cart_displacements.txt'): """ Produces a text file with all the magnitude of displacements of atoms in Cartesian space Args: start (`str`): Filename of initial structure file in any format supported by pymatgen or pymatgen structure object. end (`str`): Filename of final structure file in any format supported by pymatgen or pymatgen structure object. max_disp (`float`, optional): The maximum displacement shown. Defaults to 0.1 Å. save_txt (`bool`, optional): Save the displacements to file. Defaults to ``True``. txt_fname (`str`, optional): Filename of the csv file. Defaults to ``'cart_displacement.txt'``. Returns: None (default) or DataFrame of displacements of atoms in Cartesian space """ # Instantiate the structures start_struc = _instantiate_structure(start) end_struc = _instantiate_structure(end) # Add the site labels to the structure els = ''.join([i for i in start_struc.formula if not i.isdigit()]).split(' ') el_dict = {i : 1 for i in els} site_labels = [] for site in start_struc: symbol = site.specie.symbol site_labels.append((symbol,el_dict[symbol])) el_dict[symbol] +=1 start_struc.add_site_property('', site_labels) # Convert to cartesian coordinates start_struc = start_struc.cart_coords end_struc = end_struc.cart_coords # Calculate the displacements disp_list = [] for n, (start_coord, end_coord) in enumerate(zip(start_struc, end_struc)): xdisp = math.pow(start_coord[0] - end_coord[0], 2) ydisp = math.pow(start_coord[1] - end_coord[1], 2) zdisp = math.pow(start_coord[2] - end_coord[2], 2) d = math.sqrt(xdisp + ydisp + zdisp) label = site_labels[n] if d >= max_disp: disp_list.append({ 'site': n+1, 'atom': label, # this makes the displacements round to the same number of # decimal places as max displacement, for presentation 'displacement': round(d, int(format(max_disp, 'E')[-1])) }) # Save as txt file df = pd.DataFrame(disp_list) if save_txt: df.to_csv(txt_fname, header=True, index=False, sep='\t', mode='w') else: return df
[docs]def bond_analysis(structure, bond, nn_method=CrystalNN(), ox_states=None, save_csv=True, csv_fname='bond_analysis.csv', save_plt=False, plt_fname='bond_analysis.png', **kwargs): """ Parses the structure looking for bonds between atoms. Check the validity of the nearest neighbour method on the bulk structure before using it on slabs. Args: structure (`str`): filename of structure, takes all pymatgen-supported formats, including pmg structure object bond (`list`): Bond to analyse e.g. ``['Y', 'O']`` nn_method (`class`, optional): The coordination number prediction algorithm used. Because the ``nn_method`` is a class, the class needs to be imported from ``pymatgen.analysis.local_env`` before it can be instantiated here. Defaults to ``CrystalNN()``. ox_states (``None``, `list` or `dict`, optional): Add oxidation states to the structure. Different types of oxidation states specified will result in different pymatgen functions used. The options are: * if supplied as ``list``: The oxidation states are added by site e.g. ``[3, 2, 2, 1, -2, -2, -2, -2]`` * if supplied as ``dict``: The oxidation states are added by element e.g. ``{'Fe': 3, 'O':-2}`` * if ``None``: The oxidation states are added by guess. Defaults to ``None``. save_csv (`bool`, optional): Makes a csv file with the c coordinate of the first atom and bond length. Defaults to ``True``. csv_fname (`str`, optional): Filename of the csv file. Defaults to ``'bond_analysis.csv'``. save_plt (`bool`, optional): Make and save the bond analysis plot. Defaults to ``False``. plt_fname (`str`, optional): Filename of the plot. Defaults to ``'bond_analysis.png'``. Returns: DataFrame with the c coordinate of the first atom and bond length """ struc = _instantiate_structure(structure) struc = oxidation_states(structure=struc, ox_states=ox_states) if len(bond) > 2: warnings.warn('Bond with more than two elements supplied. ' 'Only the first two elements will be treated as a bond.') # Iterates through the structure, looking for pairs of bonded atoms. If the # sites match, the bond distance is calculated and passed to a dataframe bonds_info = [] for n, pos in enumerate(struc): if pos.specie.symbol == bond[0]: nearest_neighbours = nn_method.get_nn_info(struc, n) matched_sites = [] for d in nearest_neighbours: if d.get('site').specie.symbol == bond[1]: matched_sites.append(d) bond_distances = [ struc.get_distance(n,x['site_index']) for x in matched_sites ] bonds_info.append({ '{}_index'.format(bond[0]): n+1, '{}_c_coord'.format(bond[0]): pos.c, '{}-{}_bond_distance'.format(bond[0],bond[1]): np.mean(bond_distances) }) df = pd.DataFrame(bonds_info) # Save plot and csv, or return the DataFrame if save_plt: plot_bond_analysis(bond, df=df, plt_fname=plt_fname, **kwargs) if save_csv: if not csv_fname.endswith('.csv'): csv_fname += '.csv' df.to_csv(csv_fname, header=True, index=False) else: return df
[docs]def electrostatic_potential(locpot='./LOCPOT', lattice_vector=None, save_csv=True, csv_fname='potential.csv', save_plt=True, plt_fname='potential.png', **kwargs): """ Reads LOCPOT to get the planar and optionally macroscopic potential in c direction. Args: locpot (`str`, optional): The path to the LOCPOT file. Defaults to ``'./LOCPOT'`` lattice_vector (`float`, optional): The periodicity of the slab, calculates macroscopic potential with that periodicity save_csv (`bool`, optional): Saves to csv. Defaults to ``True``. csv_fname (`str`, optional): Filename of the csv file. Defaults to ``'potential.csv'``. save_plt (`bool`, optional): Make and save the plot of electrostatic potential. Defaults to ``True``. plt_fname (`str`, optional): Filename of the plot. Defaults to ``'potential.png'``. Returns: DataFrame """ # Read potential and structure data lpt = Locpot.from_file(locpot) struc = Structure.from_file(locpot) # Planar potential planar = lpt.get_average_along_axis(2) df = pd.DataFrame(data=planar, columns=['planar']) # Calculate macroscopic potential if lattice_vector is not None: # Divide lattice parameter by no. of grid points in the direction resolution =[2]/lpt.dim[2] # Get number of points over which the rolling average is evaluated points = int(lattice_vector/resolution) # Need extra points at the start and end of planar potential to evaluate the # macroscopic potential this makes use of the PBC where the end of one unit # cell coincides with start of the next one add_to_start = planar[(len(planar) - points): ] add_to_end = planar[0:points] pfm_data = np.concatenate((add_to_start,planar,add_to_end)) pfm = pd.DataFrame(data=pfm_data, columns=['y']) # Macroscopic potential m_data = pfm.y.rolling(window=points, center=True).mean() macroscopic = m_data.iloc[points:(len(planar)+points)] macroscopic.reset_index(drop=True,inplace=True) df['macroscopic'] = macroscopic # Get gradient of the plot - this is used for convergence testing, to make # sure the potential is actually flat df['gradient'] = np.gradient(df['planar']) # Plot and save the graph, save the csv or return the dataframe if save_plt: plot_electrostatic_potential(df=df, plt_fname=plt_fname, **kwargs) if save_csv: if not csv_fname.endswith('.csv'): csv_fname += '.csv' df.to_csv(csv_fname, header=True, index=False) else: return df
[docs]def simple_nn(start, end=None, ox_states=None, nn_method=CrystalNN(), save_csv=True, csv_fname='nn_data.csv'): """ Finds the nearest neighbours for simple structures. Before using on slabs make sure the nn_method works with the bulk structure. The ``site_index`` in the produced DataFrame or csv file is one-indexed and represents the atom index in the structure. Args: start (`str`): Filename of structure file in any format supported by pymatgen end (`str`, optional): Filename of structure file in any format supported by pymatgen. Use if comparing initial and final structures. The structures must have same constituent atoms and number of sites. Defaults to ``None``. ox_states (``None``, `list` or `dict`, optional): Add oxidation states to the structure. Different types of oxidation states specified will result in different pymatgen functions used. The options are: * if supplied as ``list``: The oxidation states are added by site e.g. ``[3, 2, 2, 1, -2, -2, -2, -2]`` * if supplied as ``dict``: The oxidation states are added by element e.g. ``{'Fe': 3, 'O':-2}`` * if ``None``: The oxidation states are added by guess. Defaults to ``None``. nn_method (`class`, optional): The coordination number prediction algorithm used. Because the ``nn_method`` is a class, the class needs to be imported from pymatgen.analysis.local_env before it can be instantiated here. Defaults to ``CrystalNN()``. save_csv (`bool`, optional): Save to a csv file. Defaults to ``True``. csv_fname (`str`, optional): Filename of the csv file. Defaults to ``'nn_data.csv'`` Returns None (default) or DataFrame containing coordination data """ # Instantiate start structure object start_struc = _instantiate_structure(start) # Add atom site labels to the structure els = ''.join([i for i in start_struc.formula if not i.isdigit()]).split(' ') el_dict = {i : 1 for i in els} site_labels = [] for site in start_struc: symbol = site.specie.symbol site_labels.append((symbol,el_dict[symbol])) el_dict[symbol] +=1 start_struc.add_site_property('', site_labels) # Add oxidation states and get bonded structure start_struc = oxidation_states(start_struc, ox_states) bonded_start = nn_method.get_bonded_structure(start_struc) if end: end_struc = _instantiate_structure(end) end_struc = oxidation_states(end_struc, ox_states) bonded_end = nn_method.get_bonded_structure(end_struc) # Iterate through structure, evaluate the coordination number and the # nearest neighbours specie for start and end structures, collects the # symbol and index of the site (atom) evaluated and its nearest neighbours df_list = [] for n, site in enumerate(start_struc): cn_start = bonded_start.get_coordination_of_site(n) coord_start = bonded_start.get_connected_sites(n) specie_list = [] for d in coord_start: spc = specie_list.append(spc) specie_list.sort() site_nn_start = ' '.join(specie_list) label = site_labels[n] if end: cn_end = bonded_end.get_coordination_of_site(n) coord_end = bonded_end.get_connected_sites(n) specie_list = [] for d in coord_end: spc = specie_list.append(spc) specie_list.sort() site_nn_end = ' '.join(specie_list) df_list.append({'site': n+1, 'atom': label, 'cn_start': cn_start, 'nn_start': site_nn_start, 'cn_end': cn_end, 'nn_end': site_nn_end}) else: df_list.append({'site_index': n+1, 'site': label, 'cn_start': cn_start, 'nn_start': site_nn_start}) # Make a dataframe from df_list df = pd.DataFrame(df_list) # Save the csv file or return as dataframe if save_csv: if not csv_fname.endswith('.csv'): csv_fname += '.csv' df.to_csv(csv_fname, header=True, index=False) else: return df
[docs]def complex_nn(start, cut_off_dict, end=None, ox_states=None, save_csv=True, csv_fname='nn_data.csv'): """ Finds the nearest neighbours for more complex structures. Uses CutOffDictNN() class as the nearest neighbour method. Check validity on bulk structure before applying to surface slabs. The ``site_index`` in the produced DataFrame or csv file is one-indexed and represents the atom index in the structure. Args: start (`str`): filename of structure, takes all pymatgen-supported formats. cut_off_dict (`dict`): Dictionary of bond lengths. The bonds should be specified with the oxidation states\n e.g. ``{('Bi3+', 'O2-'): 2.46, ('V5+', 'O2-'): 1.73}`` end (`str`, optional): filename of structure to analyse, use if comparing initial and final structures. The structures must have same constituent atoms and number of sites. Defaults to ``None``. ox_states (``None``, `list` or `dict`, optional): Add oxidation states to the structure. Different types of oxidation states specified will result in different pymatgen functions used. The options are: * if supplied as ``list``: The oxidation states are added by site e.g. ``[3, 2, 2, 1, -2, -2, -2, -2]`` * if supplied as ``dict``: The oxidation states are added by element e.g. ``{'Fe': 3, 'O':-2}`` * if ``None``: The oxidation states are added by guess. Defaults to ``None`` save_csv (`bool`, optional): Save to a csv file. Defaults to ``True``. csv_fname (`str`, optional): Filename of the csv file. Defaults to ``'nn_data.csv'`` Returns None (default) or DataFrame containing coordination data. """ # Instantiate start structure object start_struc = Structure.from_file(start) # Add atom site labels to the structure els = ''.join([i for i in start_struc.formula if not i.isdigit()]).split(' ') el_dict = {i : 1 for i in els} site_labels = [] for site in start_struc: symbol = site.specie.symbol site_labels.append((symbol,el_dict[symbol])) el_dict[symbol] +=1 start_struc.add_site_property('', site_labels) # Add oxidation states start_struc = oxidation_states(start_struc, ox_states=ox_states) # Instantiate the nearest neighbour algorithm and get bonded structure codnn = CutOffDictNN(cut_off_dict=cut_off_dict) bonded_start = codnn.get_bonded_structure(start_struc) # Instantiate the end structure if provided if end: end_struc = Structure.from_file(end) end_struc = oxidation_states(end_struc, ox_states=ox_states) bonded_end = codnn.get_bonded_structure(end_struc) # Iterate through structure, evaluate the coordination number and the # nearest neighbours specie for start and end structures, collects the # symbol and index of the site (atom) evaluated and its nearest neighbours df_list = [] for n, site in enumerate(start_struc): cn_start = bonded_start.get_coordination_of_site(n) coord_start = bonded_start.get_connected_sites(n) specie_list = [] for d in coord_start: spc = specie_list.append(spc) specie_list.sort() site_nn_start = ' '.join(specie_list) label = site_labels[n] if end: cn_end = bonded_end.get_coordination_of_site(n) coord_end = bonded_end.get_connected_sites(n) specie_list = [] for d in coord_end: spc = specie_list.append(spc) specie_list.sort() site_nn_end = ' '.join(specie_list) df_list.append({'site': n+1, 'atom': label, 'cn start': cn_start, 'nn_start': site_nn_start, 'cn_end': cn_end, 'nn_end': site_nn_end}) else: df_list.append({'site_index': n+1, 'site': label, 'cn_start': cn_start, 'nn_start': site_nn_start}) # Make a dataframe from df_list df = pd.DataFrame(df_list) # Save the csv file or return as dataframe if save_csv: if not csv_fname.endswith('.csv'): csv_fname += '.csv' df.to_csv(csv_fname, header=True, index=False) else: return df