Source code for

# pymatgen
from import DictSet
from pymatgen.core import Structure
from pymatgen.core.surface import Slab

# Misc
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import os
import warnings
import json
from ruamel.yaml import YAML
from pathlib import Path

# Monkeypatching for warnings
def _custom_formatwarning(message, category, filename, lineno, line=''):
    # Ignore everything except the message
    return 'UserWarning: ' + str(message) + '\n'

# Matplotlib
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
from cycler import cycler

[docs]def slab_from_file(structure, hkl): """ Reads in structure from the file and returns slab object. Args: structure (str): Structure file in any format supported by pymatgen. Will accept a pymatgen.Structure object directly. hkl (tuple): Miller index of the slab in the input file. Returns: Slab object """ if type(structure) == str: slab_input = Structure.from_file(structure) else: slab_input = structure return Slab(slab_input.lattice, slab_input.species_and_occu, slab_input.frac_coords, hkl, Structure.from_sites(slab_input, to_unit_cell=True), # this OUC is not correct, need to get it from slabgenerator shift=0, scale_factor=np.eye(3,, site_properties=slab_input.site_properties)
[docs]def slabs_to_file(list_of_slabs, structure, make_fols, make_input_files, config_dict, fmt, name, **save_slabs_kwargs): """ Saves the slabs to file, optionally creates input files. The function can take any relevant keyword argument for DictSet. Args: list_of_slabs (`list`): a list of slab dictionaries made with either of surfaxe.generation get_slab functions structure (`str`): Filename of bulk structure file in any format supported by pymatgen. make_fols (`bool`): Makes folders for each termination and slab/vacuum thickness combinations containing structure files. * ``True``: A Miller index folder is created, in which folders named slab_vac_index are created to which the relevant structure files are saved. E.g. for a (0,0,1) slab of index 1 with a slab thickness of 20 Å and vacuum thickness of 30 Å the folder structure would be: ``001/20_30_1/POSCAR`` * ``False``: The indexed structure files are put in a folder named after the bulk formula. E.g. for a (0,0,1) MgO slab of index 1 with a slab thickness of 20 Å and vacuum thickness of 30 Å the folder structure would be: ``MgO/POSCAR_001_20_30_1.vasp`` make_input_files (`bool`): Makes INCAR, POTCAR and KPOINTS files in each folder. If ``make_input_files`` is ``True`` but ``make_files`` or ``save_slabs`` is ``False``, files will be saved to folders regardless. This only works with VASP input files, other formats are not yet supported. Defaults to ``False``. config_dict (`dict` or `str`): Specifies the dictionary used for the generation of the input files. fmt (`str`, optional): The format of the output files. Options include 'cif', 'poscar', 'cssr', 'json', not case sensitive. Defaults to 'poscar'. name (`str`, optional): The name of the surface slab structure file created. Case sensitive. Defaults to 'POSCAR' Returns: None, saves surface slabs to file """ bulk_name = structure.composition.reduced_formula if make_fols or make_input_files: for slab in list_of_slabs: os.makedirs(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), r'{}/{}/{}_{}_{}'.format( bulk_name, slab['hkl'], slab['slab_thickness'], slab['vac_thickness'], slab['slab_index'])), exist_ok=True) # Makes all input files (KPOINTS, POTCAR, INCAR) based on the config # dictionary if make_input_files: # soft check if potcar directory is set potcars = _check_psp_dir() if potcars: cd = _load_config_dict(config_dict) vis = DictSet(slab['slab'], cd, **save_slabs_kwargs) vis.write_input( r'{}/{}/{}_{}_{}'.format(bulk_name, slab['hkl'], slab['slab_thickness'], slab['vac_thickness'], slab['slab_index']) ) # only make the folders with structure files in them else: slab['slab'].to(fmt=fmt, filename=r'{}/{}/{}_{}_{}/{}'.format(bulk_name, slab['hkl'], slab['slab_thickness'], slab['vac_thickness'], slab['slab_index'], name)) warnings.formatwarning = _custom_formatwarning warnings.warn('POTCAR directory not set up in pymatgen, only ' 'POSCARs were generated ') # Just makes the folders with structure files in them else: slab['slab'].to(fmt=fmt, filename=r'{}/{}/{}_{}_{}/{}'.format(bulk_name, slab['hkl'], slab['slab_thickness'], slab['vac_thickness'], slab['slab_index'], name)) # Makes name_hkl_slab_vac_index files in the bulk_name folder else: suffix='vasp' if fmt.lower() != 'poscar': suffix = fmt.lower() os.makedirs(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), r'{}'.format(bulk_name)), exist_ok=True) for slab in list_of_slabs: slab['slab'].to(fmt=fmt, filename=r'{}/{}_{}_{}_{}_{}.{}'.format(bulk_name, name, slab['hkl'], slab['slab_thickness'], slab['vac_thickness'], slab['slab_index'], suffix))
def _load_config_dict(config_dict=None, path=None): """ Loads the config dictionary for writing VASP input files. Args: config_dict (``None``, `dict` or `str`): The config dict containing info on INCAR, POTCAR and KPOINTS settings. Can be supplied as: * ``dict``: All settings for the calculations provided as a dictionary of dictionaries e.g. {'INCAR': {'ENCUT': 500, 'ISYM': 2, 'GGA': 'PE'}, 'KPOINTS': {'reciprocal_density': 20}, 'POTCAR': {'Sn': 'Sn_d', 'O': 'O'}} * ``str``: Filename of the config dictionary. Can be a json or a yaml file or one of the surfaxe-supplied dictionaries from the ``_config_dictionaries`` folder. * ``None``: The default option, makes a PBEsol config dictionary for a single shot calculation from the ``PBEsol.json`` file. path (``None`` or `str`): The path to where ``_config_dictionaries` are. Needed for CI implementation. Returns: Dictionary """ if path is not None: path_to_conf = path else: path_to_conf = str(Path(__file__).parent.joinpath('_config_dictionaries')) if type(config_dict) == dict: cd = config_dict elif config_dict is not None and type(config_dict)==str: if config_dict.endswith('.json'): with open(config_dict, 'r') as f: cd = json.load(f) elif config_dict.endswith('.yaml'): with open(config_dict, 'r') as y: yaml = YAML(typ='safe', pure=True) cd = yaml.load(y) elif 'pe_relax' in config_dict.lower(): with open(os.path.join(path_to_conf, 'PBE_relax.json'), 'r') as f: cd = json.load(f) elif 'ps_relax' in config_dict.lower(): with open(os.path.join(path_to_conf, 'PBEsol_relax.json'), 'r') as f: cd = json.load(f) elif 'pe' in config_dict.lower(): with open(os.path.join(path_to_conf, 'PBE.json'), 'r') as f: cd = json.load(f) elif 'ps' in config_dict.lower(): with open(os.path.join(path_to_conf, 'PBEsol.json'), 'r') as f: cd = json.load(f) elif 'hse' in config_dict.lower(): with open(os.path.join(path_to_conf, 'HSE06.json'), 'r') as f: cd = json.load(f) else: with open(os.path.join(path_to_conf, 'PBEsol.json'), 'r') as f: cd = json.load(f) warnings.formatwarning = _custom_formatwarning warnings.warn('No valid config dict supplied, reverting to ' 'surfaxe PBEsol.json config dict') else: with open(os.path.join(path_to_conf, 'PBEsol.json'), 'r') as f: cd = json.load(f) warnings.formatwarning = _custom_formatwarning warnings.warn('No config dict supplied, reverting to surfaxe ' 'PBEsol.json config dict') return cd def _check_psp_dir(): """ Helper function to check if potcars are set up correctly for use with pymatgen """ potcar = False try: import pymatgen.settings if 'PMG_VASP_PSP_DIR' in pymatgen.settings.SETTINGS: potcar = True except ModuleNotFoundError: try: import pymatgen if 'PMG_VASP_PSP_DIR' in pymatgen.SETTINGS: potcar = True except AttributeError: from pymatgen.core import SETTINGS if 'PMG_VASP_PSP_DIR' in SETTINGS: potcar = True return potcar def _instantiate_structure(structure): """Helper function for instatiating structure files correctly """ if type(structure) == str: struc = Structure.from_file(structure) elif type(structure) == Structure or type(structure) == Slab: struc = structure else: raise TypeError('structure should either be a file or pmg object') return struc
[docs]def plot_bond_analysis(bond, df=None, filename=None, width=6, height=5, dpi=300, color=None, plt_fname='bond_analysis.png'): """ Plots the bond distance with respect to fractional coordinate. Used in conjunction with surfaxe.analysis.bond_analysis. Args: bond (`list`): Bond to analyse; e.g. ``['Y', 'O']`` order of elements in the bond must be the same as in the Dataframe or provided file. df (`pandas DataFrame`, optional): DataFrame from surfaxe.analysis.bond_analysis. Defaults to ``None``. filename (`str`, optional): Path to csv file with data from surfaxe.analysis.bond_analysis. Defaults to ``None``. Either df or filename need to be supplied. width (`float`, optional): Width of figure in inches. Defaults to ``6``. height (`float`, optional): Height of figure in inches. Defaults to ``5``. dpi (`int`, optional): Dots per inch. Defaults to ``300``. color (`str`, optional): Color of marker. Defaults to ``None`` which defaults to surfaxe base style plt_fname (`str`, optional): Filename of the plot. Defaults to ``'bond_analysis.png'``. Returns: None, saves plot to bond_analysis.png """ if filename is not None: df = pd.read_csv(filename) elif df is not None: df = df else: warnings.formatwarning = _custom_formatwarning warnings.warn('Data not supplied') if color is None: color = '#F95F6E' fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1, dpi=dpi, figsize=(width, height)) x = df['{}_c_coord'.format(bond[0])] y = df['{}-{}_bond_distance'.format(bond[0],bond[1])] ax.scatter(x, y, marker='x', markersize=8, c=color) ax.set_ylabel("Bond distance / Å") ax.legend(['{}-{} bond'.format(bond[0], bond[1])]) plt.xlabel("Fractional coordinate in c") fig.savefig(plt_fname, facecolor='w', bbox_inches='tight')
[docs]def plot_electrostatic_potential(df=None, filename=None, dpi=300, width=6, height=5, colors=None, plt_fname='potential.png'): """ Plots the planar and macroscopic electrostatic potential along one direction. Can take either a DataFrame or a potential.csv file as input. Args: df (`pandas DataFrame`, optional): pandas DataFrame from surfaxe.analysis.electrostatic_potential. Defaults to ``None``. filename (`str`, optional): The filename of csv file with potential data. Defaults to ``None``. dpi (`int`, optional): Dots per inch. Defaults to 300. width (`float`, optional): Width of figure in inches. Defaults to ``6``. height (`float`, optional): Height of figure in inches. Defaults to ``5``. colors (`list`, optional): A list of colours for planar and macroscopic potential plots. Defaults to ``None``, which defaults to surfaxe base style. plt_fname (`str`, optional): Filename of the plot. Defaults to ``'potential.png'``. Returns: None, saves plot to potential.png """ if df is not None: df = df elif filename is not None: df = pd.read_csv(filename) else: warnings.formatwarning = _custom_formatwarning warnings.warn('Data not supplied') if colors==None: colors = ['#FE8995', '#E6505F'] # Plot both planar and macroscopic, save figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1, dpi=dpi, figsize=(width, height)) ax.plot(df['planar'], label='Planar', c=colors[0]) if 'macroscopic' in df.columns: ax.plot(df['macroscopic'], label='Macroscopic', c=colors[1]) ax.axes.xaxis.set_visible(False) ax.legend() plt.ylabel('Potential / eV') fig.savefig(plt_fname, facecolor='w', bbox_inches='tight')
[docs]def plot_surfen(df, colors=None, dpi=300, width=8, height=8, plt_fname=None): """ Plots the surface energy for all terminations. Based on surfaxe.convergence parse_energies. Args: df (pandas DataFrame): DataFrame from `parse_fols`, or any other Dataframe with headings 'slab_thickness', 'vac_thickness', 'surface_energy','surface_energy_boettger', 'surface_energy_fm', 'time_taken', 'index'. colors (`list`, optional): A list of colours for plots of different surface energies. Defaults to ``None``, which defaults to surfaxe base style. dpi (`int`, optional): Dots per inch. Defaults to 300. width (`float`, optional): Width of figure in inches. Defaults to ``8``. height (`float`, optional): Height of figure in inches. Defaults to ``8``. plt_fname (`str`, optional): The name of the plot. Defaults to ``None`` which is either ``surface_energy.png`` for one slab index or ``surface_energy_slab_index.png`` for multiple indices. """ # Make the colour cycler with custom colours if colors is None: custom_cycler = (cycler(color=['#FE7B88','#E6505F', '#9A323C','#CC4755','#802D35','#64232A', '#40161A'])) else: custom_cycler = (cycler(color=colors)) # make separate plots for different indices for group in df.groupby('slab_index'): df_by_index = group[1].sort_values('vac_thickness') # make a 2x2 for 4 thicknesses, 2x3 for 6 and 1xnum for all else num_of_vac = len(df_by_index.groupby('vac_thickness')) if num_of_vac ==1: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, dpi=dpi, figsize=(width, height)) for gp in df_by_index.groupby('vac_thickness'): df_by_vac = gp[1].sort_values('slab_thickness') x = df_by_vac['slab_thickness'] ax.set_prop_cycle(custom_cycler) ax.set_xticks(x) ax.set_xticklabels(x) ax.set_xlabel('Slab thickness / Å') ax.set_ylabel('Surface energy / J m$^{-2}$') ax.plot(x, df_by_vac['surface_energy'], marker='^', label='Conventional') ax.plot(x, df_by_vac['surface_energy_fm'], marker='o', label='Fiorentini-Methfessel') ax.plot(x, df_by_vac['surface_energy_boettger'], marker='s', label='Boettger') ax.legend() elif num_of_vac == 4: fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2, dpi=dpi, figsize=(width, height), constrained_layout=True) list_of_axes = [ax[0,0], ax[0,1], ax[1,0], ax[1,1]] for axs, gp in zip(list_of_axes, df_by_index.groupby('vac_thickness')): df_by_vac = gp[1].sort_values('slab_thickness') axs.set_prop_cycle(custom_cycler) x = df_by_vac['slab_thickness'] axs.set_xticks(x) axs.set_xticklabels(x) axs.set_xlabel('Slab thickness / Å') axs.set_ylabel('Surface energy / J m$^{-2}$') axs.set_title('Vacuum: {} Å'.format(gp[0])) axs.plot(x, df_by_vac['surface_energy'], marker='^', label='Conventional') axs.plot(x, df_by_vac['surface_energy_fm'], marker='o', label='Fiorentini-Methfessel') axs.plot(x, df_by_vac['surface_energy_boettger'], marker='s', label='Boettger') axs.legend() elif num_of_vac == 6: fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 3, dpi=dpi, figsize=(width, height), constrained_layout=True) list_of_axes = [ax[0,0], ax[0,1], ax[0,2], ax[1,0], ax[1,1], ax[1,2]] for axs, gp in zip(list_of_axes, df_by_index.groupby('vac_thickness')): df_by_vac = gp[1].sort_values('slab_thickness') axs.set_prop_cycle(custom_cycler) x = df_by_vac['slab_thickness'] axs.set_xticks(x) axs.set_xticklabels(x) axs.set_xlabel('Slab thickness / Å') axs.set_ylabel('Surface energy / J m$^{-2}$') axs.set_title('Vacuum: {} Å'.format(gp[0])) axs.plot(x, df_by_vac['surface_energy'], marker='^', label='Conventional') axs.plot(x, df_by_vac['surface_energy_fm'], marker='o', label='Fiorentini-Methfessel') axs.plot(x, df_by_vac['surface_energy_boettger'], marker='s', label='Boettger') axs.legend() else: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, num_of_vac, dpi=dpi, figsize=(width, height), constrained_layout=True) for i, gp in enumerate(df_by_index.groupby('vac_thickness')): df_by_vac = gp[1].sort_values('slab_thickness') x = df_by_vac['slab_thickness'] ax[i].set_prop_cycle(custom_cycler) ax[i].set_xticks(x) ax[i].set_xticklabels(x) ax[i].set_xlabel('Slab thickness / Å') ax[i].set_ylabel('Surface energy / J m$^{-2}$') ax[i].set_title('Vacuum: {} Å'.format(gp[0])) ax[i].plot(x, df_by_vac['surface_energy'], marker='^', label='Conventional') ax[i].plot(x, df_by_vac['surface_energy_fm'], marker='o', label='Fiorentini-Methfessel') ax[i].plot(x, df_by_vac['surface_energy_boettger'], marker='s', label='Boettger') ax[i].legend() if len(df.groupby('slab_index')) == 1 and plt_fname is None: plt_fname = 'surface_energy.png' elif plt_fname is None: plt_fname = 'surface_energy_{}.png'.format(group[0]) fig.savefig(plt_fname, bbox_inches='tight', facecolor='w')
[docs]def plot_enatom(df, colors=None, dpi=300, width=6, height=5, plt_fname='energy_per_atom.png'): """ Plots the energy per atom for all terminations. Based on surfaxe.convergence parse_energies. Args: df (pandas DataFrame): DataFrame from `parse_fols`, or any other Dataframe with headings 'slab_thickness, 'vac_thickness', 'slab_per_atom', 'time_taken', 'index'. colors (`list`, optional): A list of colours for plots of different vacuum thicknesses. Defaults to ``None``, which defaults to surfaxe base style. dpi (`int`, optional): Dots per inch. Defaults to 300. width (`float`, optional): Width of figure in inches. Defaults to ``6``. height (`float`, optional): Height of figure in inches. Defaults to ``5``. plt_fname (`str`, optional): The name of the plot. Defaults to ``energy_per_atom.png``. If name with no format suffix is supplied, the format defaults to png. Returns: None, saves energy_per_atom.png """ indices, vals, dfs = ([] for i in range(3)) # Group the values by termination slab index, create df for time and # energy values. Converts the energy and time values to np arrays for # plotting for group in df.groupby('slab_index'): df2 = group[1].pivot('slab_thickness', 'vac_thickness', 'slab_per_atom') indices.append(group[0]) vals.append(df2.to_numpy()) dfs.append(df2) # Make the colour cycler with custom colours if colors is None: custom_cycler = (cycler(color=['#FE7B88','#E6505F','#9A323C', '#CC4755', '#802D35','#64232A', '#40161A'])) else: custom_cycler = (cycler(color=colors)) # Plot only the energy per atom for the only termination present if len(indices)==1: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1, dpi=dpi, figsize=(width, height)) for val, df in zip(vals, dfs): ax.set_prop_cycle(custom_cycler) ax.set_xticks(list(range(len(df.index)))) ax.set_xticklabels(df.index) ax.set_xlabel('Slab thickness / Å') ax.set_ylabel('Energy per atom / eV') ax.plot(val, marker='x', markersize=8) ax.legend(df.columns, title='Vacuum / Å') # Plot energy per atom and time taken for different terminations else: fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=len(indices), dpi=dpi, figsize=(width, height), constrained_layout=True) for i, (index, val, df) in enumerate(zip(indices, vals, dfs)): ax[i].set_prop_cycle(custom_cycler) ax[i].set_xticks(list(range(len(df.index)))) ax[i].set_xticklabels(df.index) ax[i].set_xlabel('Slab thickness / Å') ax[i].set_ylabel('Energy per atom / eV') ax[i].plot(val, marker='x', markersize=8) ax[i].legend(df.columns, title='Vacuum / Å') ax[i].set_title('{}'.format(index)) fig.savefig(plt_fname, bbox_inches='tight', facecolor='w')